The Only Way You Should Store Raspberries, According to Farmers

The Only Way You Should Store Raspberries, According to Farmers

I'm the first in line to buy a basket of raspberries when they grace my local market. Sometimes I even buy them at the grocery store out of season. I'm a huge fan of these sweet and tart berries.

And that’s why it’s even worse when I put them in the fridge to top my granola yogurt the next morning, only to find that some have gone mushy. Why do plump, juicy raspberries go bad so quickly? Are there any tricks to storing them so they don’t go mushy and gross? I reached out to raspberry experts to find out.

What to Look for When Buying Raspberries

The color of the raspberries should guide your selection. “Make sure most of the raspberries are the same color in the container (so) some don’t rot before others,” says Rebekah Alstede Modery, second-generation owner of Alstede Farms in New Jersey. A uniform color means the berries are of similar ripeness.

Also pay attention to the shape of the berries. “Look for well-shaped raspberries that are bright orange/red in color,” says Brian Bocock, vice president of produce management at Naturipe Farms. “The best raspberries have fleshy cells and appear almost shiny.”

Visiting a pick-your-own farm? “Raspberries should fall easily off the stem without any resistance,” Modery says. “They should be a medium shade of pink without being too purple or white.”

The second best way to harvest them yourself is to buy them at the market. “Farmers like us harvest our raspberries the same morning they are sold,” Modery says. “This allows us to harvest them at their peak ripeness and sell them the same day, with limited storage time.”

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Humid conditions make raspberries soft

Raspberries are delicate and very sensitive to moisture. Like blueberries, raspberries do not continue to ripen after they are picked. “If they are picked too early, they will not get sweeter, only darker and will start to mold if they are in humid conditions,” Modery says.

Look carefully at the container that holds the raspberries. “Avoid containers that appear to have been damp, as this will encourage mold growth,” she advises.

If there is moisture in and around the container, I would avoid buying them. If they are wet at home, transfer the raspberries to a dry bowl lined with paper towels.

The Best Way to Store Raspberries

One of the easiest ways to ensure your raspberries don't get too mushy too soon is to store them properly. “Put your raspberries in the fridge as soon as you get home,” Bocock advises. “Keep them there until you're ready to eat them.”

Don't wash the berries until you're ready to eat them. Modery adds, “Keep them as dry as possible so they don't go moldy too quickly.”

Elana Lepkowski

When to wash raspberries

I like to wash and prepare my fruits and vegetables as soon as I get home so that everything is ready when I want to prepare a meal. Raspberries are an exception, as moisture can make them mushy.

“Wait until you’re ready to eat them to wash them, as excess moisture can cause them to soften more quickly,” says Bocock.

If you're not sure you can eat the whole container, wash them as you go. “We recommend washing them in small handfuls so the portion you save for later doesn't get wet and will keep longer in the fridge,” he says.


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